NSW Government Subsidised Courses: Smart and Skilled
Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW vocational education and training system. It’s helping people get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.
From 1 January 2017, Smart and Skilled
- An entitlement to
government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate III
The NSW Skills List is a list of all courses for which a government subsidy, under the Smart and Skilled reforms, may be available to eligible students. Updated annually, the NSW Skills List is based on the skill needs of the NSW economy and qualifications on this list are linked to jobs and further study pathways.
Students commencing a Skills List course and who meet individual eligibility requirements will pay Smart and Skilled fees and subsidies will apply. For information on Smart and Skilled program, please visit http://www.training.nsw.gov.au/smartandskilled/
Superior Training Centre currently has following skills list qualifications eligible for subsidies under Smart and Skilled Program: For more information go to our courses for apprentices.