Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Class 2D Pathway Course

Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Class 2D Pathway Course

Energising service equipment

(previous Category 4)


A contestable works program exists under the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995. This provides electricity customers in NSW with the right to choose suitably qualified and accredited persons to connect their premises to the Network Operator’s distribution network, arrange for the supply of more electricity from the distribution network than they are currently consuming, or to extend the distribution network to reach their premises.

To ensure that the electrical distribution network and connection to the distribution network remains reliable and safe, only Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) operating under the ASP scheme administered by NSW Trade & Investment, may perform this work.

Employees and sub-contractors of ASPs must be suitably qualified and registered with the ASP scheme before seeking authorisation from the local Network Operator to work on or near the electricity network.

ASP Class 2D
(previously known as Category 4) – Installing metering for meter types 5 to 6 and other Network Operator service equipment:

  • remove and replace a local electricity distributor security seal in accordance with local electricity distributor procedures;
  • installation and removal of whole current metering equipment in accordance with the local distributor’s published standards; and
  • disconnection and reconnection of the installation at the connection point; and
  • energising new installations.

An ASP may only remove or install meters of types 1 to 4 if the ASP is also accredited as a meter provider with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) or the ASP is undertaking this work as a sub-contractor to another company which is properly accredited by AEMO for this purpose.

The course is delivered face-to-face over two days – first day is the theory and content. Second day is the practical lessons and assessments.

Classes are from 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m. These times are subject to change and students will be notified in advance.

The course is held at Superior Training Centre city campus:

Level 3, 187 Thomas St Haymarket NSW 2000

Details required to enroll (Button at the top of this page)

Company Student Training
Name First name Course date / Venue
Last name




Contact phone number
Email address
Unique Student Identification
number (USI)
Date of Birth

Copy of electrical license or
any relevant qualifications




UEE30820 – Certificate III in Electro-technology
Electrician (or equivalent) 

– New students coming into the ESI industry must complete a 2-day initial course* 

Please note: 
Metering requires you to complete the level 2 New ESI course prior to attending  – these courses can be completed at IAC Safety Services

Individual prerequisites 

UEEEL0039 Design, install and verify compliance and functionality of general electrical installations

UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel


* Conditions for exemption: 
If you already hold / work for a Level 2 Accredited Service Provider (ASP) you WILL NOT be required to attend Level 2 New ESI  

If you require Initial Essential Energy Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) you will be required to attend Level 2 New ESI  
They hold or achieve prerequisite units already 

Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) must ensure that any/all prerequisite units of competency (as specified within each of the relevant competency standards) have been achieved prior to awarding any of the units of competency specified.

Mandatory:   Recommended: 
Arc Rated T Shirt (long sleeve)  Electrical hand tools 
Long trousers  IR tester 
Safety Boots  NST Tester 
Safety Glasses  Phase rotation meter 
LV Insulation gloves (inners)  Personal Laptop or iPad 

Pre-reading list and essential download

1. Please CLICK HERE for a link to your Service Installation Rules of NSW Oct 2019 

2. Ensure you read the Code of Safe Installation of Direct -Connected whole current electricity metering in NSW on following link  
Code for the safe installation of electricity meters in NSW. 

Course includes:

Service Installation

Rules Sections 1 /4 

UEEEL0078 – Install and commission whole current electricity meters (Release 2)

Level 2 allows for construction of service lines between the distribution system and the point of connection to the premises and for the installation and energisation of metering services. Level 2d service providers may be accredited for the following work categories:

  • metering and energising new installations
  • installing contestable market metering

Course start dates – please check with

Fees: $1250

Deposit: $500

Next course starts: 2024





To become accredited an applicant must apply in writing, using the
approved application form along with:
1. the completed application form;
2. evidence of the required competencies;
3. the completed form for the registration of persons who will be
seeking to be authorised by the electricity distributor/s to undertake
contestable services;
4. evidence of meeting the insurance requirements; and
5. the application fee

Click here for details Department of Planing and Environment
02 82751960

Following registration, an ASP must seek to have those personnel
authorised by the local electricity distributor. Only personnel who are
currently registered with the Scheme can be authorised.

The local electricity distributor is responsible for determining who is
authorised to work on or near the distribution network. The electricity
distributor/s will require registered personnel to undertake training in
relevant safety and operating procedures and be familiar with and show
they can comply with their respective safety management systems,
electrical safety rules and other relevant policies.

The 3 NSW Local Electricity Distributors are detailed below:


Authorisation details 


Endeavour Energy:

Essential Energy


The following meter providers have safety management systems accepted by Fair Trading and can operate in NSW: 

  • Activestream 
  • Acumen Metering 
  • IntelliHub 
  • Metering Dynamics 
  • Metropolis Metering Services 
  • Plus, ES 
  • Powermetric Metering 
  • Select Solutions Group 
  • Spotless Advanced Metering 
  • Vector Advanced Metering Services 

Please visit HERE and read the requirements from the NSW Fair Trading or contact them directly on 02 9895 0076 or email for any general enquiries 



Everybody who works on or near the Electricity Supply Network must be deemed competent in the tasks they are to perform; and trained and assessed yearly in the appropriate escape, release and rescue procedures for those tasks.



Start Course